Saturday, December 1, 2012

Food Recipes with Oils

This is a post that I'll have to update with pictures the next time I make them, but since I need to get these recipes on the computer before I lose the hard copies, I figured I'd just get them up! Cooking with essential oils is fun and easy and a great way to use healthy ingredients in your cooking.

Let's start off with some treats for this post!

Energy Bars:

1/3 c. raw almonds
1/4 c. dates
1/3 c dried cherries (I've used craisins with success)
1 T. chia seeds
2-3 drops Wild Orange essential oil

In food processor, pulse nuts until finely chopped. Add dried fruit and process until everything is sticky. Add other mix ins and process until combined. If you choose to add other spices or vanilla, stream in while processor is running. If you need to, add water a bit at a time until it holds together. Foll into balls or press into a pan and cut into squares.

Chocolate Mint Truffles:

1/4 c. unsweetened dark chocolate chips
1/4 c raw almonds
1/3 c raw cashews
1/2 c. dates
1 T cocoa powder
1 T coconut flakes
2-3 drops peppermint essential oil

Grind chips and nuts. Add dates. Stream in cocoa, coconut, and essential oil. Roll into balls. I omitted the coconut because I don't like it.

Both of these recipes make a rather small batch. When preparing to teach a class, I at least double or triple these.

Spicy Citrus Apples:

2-5 drops total of immune support blend (clove, cinnamon, eucalyptus, rosemary, and wild orange) essential oils

Slice apples. Put the oils in a large bowl and fill bowl halfway with water. Add apples. Simple. Delicious. Healthy.

A not-so-healthy treat:
Grasshopper Bars:

One box of brownie mix, prepared according to box instructions in a 13x9 pan

Mint layer
  4 Tbsp butter, softened
  2 C sifted powdered sugar
  2-4 drops Peppermint essential oil
  green food coloring
  1-2 Tbsp milk
Beat together all ingredients except milk. Add enough milk to make the mixture a spreading consistency. Spread the mint layer over the brownies and cool in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  2/3 cup semisweet chocolate chips
  6 Tbsp butter
  2 t vanilla
In the top of a double boiler (I just use a sauce pan and keep the heat fairly low) melt the chocolate chips and butter stirring frequently. Add vanilla. Remove pan and let cool slightly. Carefully spread the cooled topping over the chilled mint layer. Let the bars stand for 1 hour. Cut into Bars.

The original recipe called for peppermint extract and they were still so yummy but always gave me heartburn (so, apparently, peppermint extract gives me heartburn. ;) ). Once I started using peppermint EO instead, no more heartburn!! Yessss!!!

I'm planning to try flavoring popcorn with lime or lemon or maybe the immune support blend today, so we'll see how that goes!

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