Saturday, December 1, 2012

Emotional Healing with Oils

Energy work is a topic that is relatively new to me. It. Is. Fascinating! I love all the things I'm learning about it! It resonates with me and enhances my spiritual growth and progress. It's been so interesting to me to learn ways to use oils to help with my family's energy.

The most amazing thing to me was to learn that frankincense will bring you closer to your father (both your spiritual Father and your earthly father) and myrrh will bring you closer to your mother or mother earth (which to me also translates into my spiritual mother). Interesting that those are two of the three gifts the Wise Men brought to the Baby Jesus as he left his heavenly parents to come into this mortal world. I find things like that in the scriptures all the time. The Lord's parables, metaphors and symbols are unbelievably perfect. And the idea that the wise men knew to bring gifts to the Savior that would help Him commune with His Father and Mother was profound to me.

Another oil that I've been using lately for my son is melaleuca. It's the oil of energetic boundaries and helps break negative ties in relationships with people, energies, or spiritual beings that drain one's energy. Some energy work with my son has suggested that this is a problem for him. That others are draining and confusing his energy and it's part of what causes his weird negative behavior. Melaleuca helps establish boundaries so no energetic leaching can continue. I'm excited for this tool and will continue to use it with him and monitor his behavior! Cool!

A recipe that I'm excited to try as I work at the beginning stages of my new essential oils business is 4 drops of bergamot, 4 drops of lemon, 3 drops of basil, and 3 drops of geranium. This blend helps with decision-making and positive attitude. It's one I want to keep in mind for the times that I get discouraged.

I'm also looking forward to try a combo of clove, frankincense, and wild orange with my kids when they are being selfish because it promotes a desire to serve others. Cool? I think so!

This is opening a whole new world for me for being a healthy and happy person. I've learned over the years how to not hate myself and my life and how to feel content with things, but I haven't yet learned to enjoy my life and to feel happy about where I am in life. I tend to look forward to the next impending change that I expect to fix all the things I feel to complain about in my current situation, whatever that may be. The things I'm learning about oils and energy work are empowering and I look forward to learning more about how to help myself overcome my emotional obstacles. What a blessing this knowledge is!

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