Saturday, August 10, 2013

The science behind aroma, emotions, and oils

How is it possible that essential oils can affect our emotions? The olfactory lobe in our brains sits inside the limbic system which is the seat of our emotions ( Due to the anatomical positioning of our nose’s processing plant, smells always trigger an emotional response. Another influential factor is that all cells are vibrating all the time.
 Cells that have a high vibrational rate are happy cells and ones that are vibrating more slowly are damaged and unhappy. 
Oils all vibrate at a high frequency, especially rose, which tops the chart at 320 MHz. By inhaling the constituents of the oils (or applying them to the body), your cells vibrate faster and you start to feel happier! All the cells in your body start to vibrate faster, thereby making you feel healthier. A healthy body vibrates between 62 and 68 MHZ. Below 62 MHz, human cells start to mutate. When you have the flu, cells vibrate at 58 MHz. At 42 MHz, cancer starts to appear. Death begins at 25 MHz. Keep your vibrations UP! Use oils! J 

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